Answered By: Cathay Keough
Last Updated: Oct 13, 2022     Views: 334

Any renewing of library items depends upon whether another patron has requested the title.  If that is the case, the item can't be renewed, but it can be requested again (you can place a hold on it).  That being said, the simple answer is yes, you can renew most ebooks, eaudiobooks, and streaming video titles.  

The renewal option, if available for that title, will show up three days before the item is due.  Click here for a link to OverDrive's details about how this looks and works.  (It will open up in a new window or browser tab.)  It is also below.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any trouble with this, or have other questions.  We're glad to help!


How to renew a title:

  1. Log into your Account on your library's OverDrive website.
  2. On your library Bookshelf, select the Renew link next to the title you'd like to renew.
    Note: This link will appear three days before the title is supposed to expire.
    Screenshot of the renew link for a borrowed title
  3. Enter and confirm your email address in the renewal form, then select Renew. If you want automatically the title to be automatically borrowed again for you as soon as your current checkout expires (instead of being held for you on your Holds page), make sure that "Automatically borrow this title at the time of renewal" is selected.