Answered By: Missy
Last Updated: Mar 24, 2023     Views: 5563

Here are instructions for returning items early in hoopla (this is in a web browser):

Please note that returning a title early does not allow you to borrow additional titles if you have reached the limit for the month. 


It is not necessary to return hoopla items since they will automatically expire from your account on the due date. If you would like to return a title early: 

  1. Log into your hoopla account - by entering your email and password at the top of the page.
  2. Click on My Hoopla in the top menu, choose Currently Borrowed in the drop-down menu.
  3. Under Currently Borrowed, click the image or author of the title you want to return. 

    Screenshot of hoopla eBook Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

On the item information page, click the Return Now button beneath the description and due date. 

Screenshot of hoopla eBook Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer, with Return Now button


To return in the hoopla app on a mobile device, when you click into the item and scroll down about 1/4 way on your screen, you should see the word "Return" to click on under the information for when the title is due. Again, returning items early does not allow you to borrow additional items if you've already reached your monthly borrow limit.


Please reach out through Ask a Librarian Delaware if you have further questions. Thank you for using and supporting Delaware Libraries and resources!