The Delaware Assistive Technology Initiative (DATI) in Dover has a Perkins Brailler available for loan to any Delaware resident. Here is some information directly from the Perkins website.
Locations for DATI are:
DATI Central Site and New Castle County •
Center for Disabilities Studies
College of Education and Human Development
University of Delaware
461 Wyoming Road
Newark, Del. 19716-5901
800-870-DATI (3284) (Voice/TDD) • 302-831-0354 • 302-831-4690 (Fax)
DATI Kent County •
University of Delaware
850 S. State Street, Suite 7
Dover, Del. 19901
302-739-6885 • 302-739-6886 (TDD) • 302-739-6887 (Fax)
Sussex County •
Georgetown Professional Park
20123 Office Circle
Georgetown, Del. 19947-3197
302-856-7946 • 302-856-6714 (TDD) • 302-856-6990 (Fax)
You can also reach them by calling: 1.800.870.DATI
Also, if you have not already, feel free to check out the Delaware Library Access Services. This is a free service that provides books in Braille and audio books in accessible formats for the blind and physically handicapped residents of Delaware.