Answered By: Cathay Keough
Last Updated: Oct 10, 2022     Views: 437

Many of our ebooks are offered in alternative formats, such as Kindle, but not for every ebook.  Often, there is an option to have us simply return this item for you to allow you to download it in another format.  But if the ebook you want is offered only in ePub format (and Overdrive Read), here are the steps for how to access it with your Mac. Adobe Digital Editions and Overdrive ebooks

You'll need to install Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) to allow this format to be accessed.  It's a digital rights management issue that grants permission for access.  The following three steps start with the basics - and they will only take a few minutes.  An overview is found through Adobe's site

1. Here is a link to "Getting Started with a Mac" from Overdrive's help: The fourth bulleted item in Step 3 leads us to links to 'install and authorize' ADE on your Mac.

2. Here is the direct link to "how to install ADE on your Mac."

3.  Once installed, you'll need to authorize your computer.  You can authorize up to 6 devices on the same account.  Here is the link to "how to authorize ADE."

Please let us know if this doesn't work for you; we want to make sure you have success!   

Thank you again for using our service and libraries, online and in person.  We truly appreciate it.